We provide reliable and affordable Fibre-powered Internet to rural residents and businesses in Central and Eastern Ontario and we’d like to share some exciting news about the services we will be bringing to your community this year!

Ruralwave will resume construction in Sonya this fall to provide Fibre-To-The-Home Internet to you and your neighbours. Fibre offers more bandwidth and can span long distances, which makes it future-proof.

Proposed Building Plans

If you are located outside the Sonya FibreNet proposed building areas please call Ruralwave for more information.

Your First Choice For Unlimited Fibre Optic Internet Services


  • Up To 1Gb/s Plans
  • Unlimited Data plans.
  • Download and stream what you want.
  • No weather related service disruptions.
  • Work from home. Fibre is more reliable.

Fibre Is The Future

Consumer demand for fast, reliable internet is growing at a rapid pace.  Fibre has virtually unlimited bandwidth and is able to span long distances which makes it future proof.  FTTH connections will be able to handle future technologies we haven’t even dreamt of yet like holographic TV!  With Fibre internet expanding, this could inspire new Internet based opportunities for you and your family especially if you work from home. Since consumers are demanding faster internet, having a FTTH connection may also increase the value of your home.

High Speed Internet Service From Ruralwave

Internet / TV / Phone Services

View our Service Area page to see what services are available where you live.